Sunday, September 23, 2012

I'll Be Back

Before you get too outraged, I do want to offer an apology to those if you who were waiting for some type of summary blog. But here’s the belated quick version:

I left India on July 29th and arrived in the US via a ten-day vacation in Bretagne with the Elliott women (and Uncle Steve). From there it was a four day turn around with just enough time to do laundry and repack my small suitcase before it was off to a week-long Foose beach vacation. Afterwards, it was time to head up to Pittsburgh, move into my new house, paint my room and get it organized, and start training for work. Since then, I’ve been running around campus as is my tendency, attending my six classes, working at the Career Center, and in general just pushing myself to the limit—and missing India almost every day.

            Re-entry is always hard after a study abroad experience. Coming back from after my junior year was terrible frankly. I was about 30 pounds heavier than when I left, totally immersed in Chinese language and uncomfortable with my English, and very unsure of how I was going to go back to another year of high school with the big college decision looming ominously. This time it is different.

            While I felt I came back from China a completely different person, I have returned from India a stronger, more focused version of myself. And frankly, it’s a pretty wonderful feeling. I have a renewed sense of purpose in my academic and career path, I am connecting with strangers more easily, and expressing my feelings more clearly. And the most tangible part of my growth is a renewed connection to written reflection. I find myself jotting notes in the margins of my notebook to try and magically realize into stories or essays later. Yet, without the presence of an audience (even an imaginary one), it is difficult to motivate myself to actually complete one. So with the aid of my fear of letting anyone down, ever, in any way, I promise I'll be back soon.